Geeez. Phyllis, "end of discussion"
I didn't know we were having a discussion. As I said, I haven't read the comment that upset you. Jim asked for opinions, I gave him mine.
Certainly you are entitled to your opinions. The opinion that you expressed to Ralph, that he is one of the nicest people on the board could be taken a couple of ways...
1. Face value: Ralph, you're a nice person
2. Read between the lines, in light of the current thread: There's a bunch of people not agreeing with me in the other thread, that doesn't include you, so you're one of the nicest people on the board. (Implying that many others are not nice).
No offense intended, just my observations on how a comment can be perceived in different ways....
My opinion of Archie is that he's sensible, level-headed, and a kind human being. Someday I hope I can meet him, because I already know that I like him.