what makes this club successful in so many ways. Your computer finess is something that many of us just don't have. I personally believe we all have something; some talent no matter how small -that improves the community when we offer it. A couple of ideas:
1. I like the general topic headings that allow a user to reference an issue without scanning a long laundry list of questions.
2. Since you are going to publish them in the Club magazine, I suggest you keep the FAQ's in a topic specific format to allow easier user reference. The name of the column could be
"Chip Collectors Corner" or "Collectors Classroom" with you named as author.
3. Having a FAQ on basic mold designs and inserts will also be a nice reference. I wouldn't go too far into detail, though, because of space limitations.
4. In each installment, it would be nice to offer links, books or other publications that expand on the issues talked about.
What you are doing is a wonderful testament to the spirit of community and love of hobby that makes our group special. On line or off...
Sincerely, Brien and Jill Bellous