Well, I for one would like to be amongst the first to tell that some of their policies need to be changed or there will be a boycott by the
. It'd be nice if we could get the folks from the ANA to support us and join in as well.
If your a good standing member in other collecting interests on , see if you can persuade those groups to support us in briging about a change.
I've posted to this board before how had cancelled one of my accounts, even though I was not at fault, and am even a stockholder.
Whomever signs the petion for change should include their account creation date(s), and their current Feedback numbers.
Maybe the petition could be discussed at the upcoming convention, or at least flyers handed out about it.
Well, if nobody else wants to do it, I could try to start writing it. I used to write Archaeological reports for a company in Arizona.
And yes, I can keep my potty-mouth in check when writing. See, I didn't even say damn or hell at anytime during this post...