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The Chip Board Archive 09

Don't worry about it...
In Response To: Unfortunately.... ()

...if you don't have chips to trade. The best reason for attending the trading sessions at the convention is you can sit down and talk with old and new friends instead of standing in an isle on the bourse floor. least that's how it has been for me. It's as much socializing as it is trading, and you don't need to feel any pressure to do both. Almost all of the trading that I've done at past conventions was done in hotel rooms among very small groups of friends. Those types of meetings are often arranged on the fly during the weekend.

...just be ready to have some fun! That really is the only real preparation you need for this party!


Messages In This Thread

Kitty's RR sent out today...
Thanks for the update Will. grin
Will, I didn't think you had that many traders!
I have exactly ZERO after Kitty's RR sad
Re: I have exactly ZERO after Kitty's RR sad
Don't worry about it...
Hey Will, I wanted you to know that I

Copyright 2022 David Spragg