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The Chip Board Archive 09

eBay Hyperbole! rofl

How's this for some fancy e-bay hyperbole!

$5.95 shipping for 3 chips!!! (and insurance is EXTRA!!!)

so...just what is

"...high quality packing"
- I'll venture a guess of a 30-cent bubble mailer.

and...what could

"advanced audit testing"
possible entail???

How much is shipping and handling (S&H)? For US orders, S&H is US$5.95 for the first item. addition US$2.00 for insurance fee. Our S&H charges for items sold on our auctions ensured the lowest possible fee to the buyer. Most of the cost you are noticing actually comes from the expense of high quality packing, advanced audit testing, and rigorous quality control.

Id this seller a member? (I guess I'll find out if so grin)

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eBay Hyperbole! rofl
Re: eBay Hyperbole! rofl
Re: eBay Hyperbole! rofl
Re: eBay Hyperbole! rofl
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg