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The Chip Board Archive 09

Re: NCR Yes -- No rofl
In Response To: NCR Yes -- No rofl ()

I disagree with Charles that it's genetic, if by that he meant hereditary. I think it depends on the individual. Some form of gambling is legal in almost every state. Casinos, card rooms, racetracks, jai alai, or the daily number - there's something for everyone. But it IS an addiction, so no matter where you live or how rich/poor - it can happen to anyone. The key is moderation and self control. But do I want a casino in my state? No, because I don't think it would be as regulated as Nevada now is and that would open the door for a lot of other illegal things. Just look at Atlantic City. Multi million dollar casinos on the boardwalk and slums and the homeless right in the back. I admit that this was a several years ago and maybe something has been done there since. My apologies for being so long-winded and it's only my opinion.

Messages In This Thread

NCR Yes -- No rofl
Re: NCR Yes -- No rofl
Re: NCR Yes -- No rofl
Thanks !!!!
Thanks, Kerry
Gambling Addiction
Re: NCR Yes -- No rofl
Re: NCR Yes -- No rofl
Re: NCR Yes -- No rofl
Atlantic City
Re: Atlantic City

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