I had lasik done in November 2000 by a very good doctor with lots of training and experience. I would definitely do it over again, but you should be aware that it isn't just like putting on a new pair of glasses. My eyes have always been dry, but it never really caused much problem until after lasik. Now, even 2 1/2 years later, if my eyes get dry, my vision gets blurry. It was very frustrating in the first months after surgery, because I expected to have the operation, maybe a short recovery period and then be able to see clearly all the time. But, if I'm not careful about blinking often enough, or I get out in dry, hot air, my eyes can get blurry on me.
Would I do it again? Definitely. But, I wish I had been aware of this possible side-effect.
Depending on your age, you may need glasses to read. I have to use them in areas where the light isn't strong enough. At work, under very bright flourescents, I don't need them, but I almost always have to have them to read a restaurant menu. (I'm 46 years old)
Write me if you have any specific questions.