>>Logical inference: others on this board, not you Joe, who support the war are morons
That is not the logical inference the logical inference is that I don't respect the opinions of those who do not think on their own (especially after announcing that they prefer biased news sources).
>>Logical inference: those that support the war are racists
No, not those who support the war are rascists. Those who consider all Arab Muslims to be the same are rascists. And there are people here who have made it clear that is the way they feel.
>>Why do you, however, find it necessary to end your posts by making such personal attacks. We are supposed to be friends. I find your remarks quite offensive.
I'm sorry that you consider my posts as a personal attack because they are not. They may be strong. But they have to be.
I do not think it appropriate to stand by while people make an argument for the war that is based on racism. Is everyone who supports the war a racist? NO. I never said that. But the argument that the War on Iraq is justified by 9/11 is an argument based in racism. There are people who support the war for other reasons. Those who contend that we should go to war with all nations that oppress their citizens take an admirable position. I disagree with it but I can admire it.