There were talking about the chip club members. Perhaps they didn't spell it out for you. (G) It is a fact that men tend to be more conservative than women. African Americans vote almost 90% Democratic. If the chip club is made up of 90% white males, then you are taking the more conservative sex and more conservative racial makeup.
Why did Gore get more votes than W? Gore got more votes because more independants liked the economy of the late 90's more than they disliked the scandals. I guess they didn't know it was a bubble economy and artificial. Now most of the Independants know, that is why W has 90% approval of the Conservatives, 77% of Independants and 53% of Liberals. So if there was an election tomorrow, W would get about 60% and the Demo 40%. Those numbers will tighten if the economy doesn't pick up before the election and they should stay the same or widen if the economy picks up. (G)