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The Chip Board Archive 08

Well, Pete, there's one we can ...

... agree on! grin


Disclosure: I am a registered DTS (Declines to State). Generally, I support Libertarian views regarding government (of which we have way too much at every level). In any given election, I vote for the person I believe best suited for the job -- sometimes that's a Libertarian, sometimes it's a Democrat, sometimes it's a Republican, occasionally it's another third party candidate.

I have voted in every Presidential election since 1968, when I was first old enough. In that time, the only two major party candidates for whom I have voted are George McGovern and (first term only) Bill Clinton (the latter being my 2nd biggest lapse of presidential judgment). In the last two elections, I voted for Libertarian Party candidate Harry Browne.

----- jim o\-S

Messages In This Thread

Why we can't find those weapons of mass distructio
Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
I'd Like to Contrubute to that Fund!
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Well, Pete, there's one we can ...
Re: Well, Pete, there's one we can ...
Paul, I thought we agreed we weren't ...
When was the last time....
Bob, that question warrants a more ...
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Good One Rich...
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Why we can't find those weapons of mas NCR
Re: Why we can't find those weapons of mas NCR

Copyright 2022 David Spragg