Do you know the syntax for the new search, Steve? It is a different software product and the search string must be in a different format. Where you used OR in the old search to separate words, you now use commas. Where you used AND in the old search to require multiple words to be present, you now use spaces. Where you used NOT in the old search, you now use the minus sign.
The string I have found works best for the things I search for is:
(vegas,reno,casino,gambling,poker) -(".999","cd",strike)
Note the space before the minus sign. I avoid the word CHIP as you get too many other kinds of chips. The part after the minus sign gets rid of silver premium strikes, and casino software on cd's.
The fact that there's a new category for casino makes it easier to post, and you can actually browse very easily just in casino. The problem, of course, is that many people don't post in the right category, so you have to search to find the stuff you might want that's elewhere. What I do is browse the casino category every day, and use the full search every few days to catch anything I that may be hidden elsewhere.
You can click on the link following the box you put the search string in and you will get all the rules for syntax for searching with the new software.