Keep up the good fight with Al. (G) Remember you will never convince AL, but your goal should be to influence other liberals/independants that have a more open mind. (G)
IMO Harry Reid here in NV is going to get beat in 2004 and I think the conservatives have a very good chance to get a filabuster proof 60 seats in the Senate. (G)
If you think about it, Bill Clinton was very good for us conservatives. Just like Jimmy Carter was in the late 70's. I remember that when I was young and naive, I voted for Mondale/Ferraro for President and VP. (G) Since then it has been: Bush, Bush, Dole and Bush. I think Condoleza Rice has a very good chance to be a VP canidate in the next 10 years, the Demo's wouldn't be able to filabuster that. hehe
Do. Or do not. There is no try! - Yoda