Once again Chris (wife) and I went to the antique auction occurring every two weeks in Chicago. Once again there were Casino Chips but THIS TIME there was a HUGE surpirse.
We discovered a small box with TWO chips in it AND a note. I have scanned the Club Eldorado Chip, it's a $5 dollar chip BUT take a gander at the note (also scanned).
This is awesome if you know Harvey Fuller stories. I have only been in this hobby for 2.5 years but I know a real PROVENANCE when I see one. The other chip (unscanned because I'm not that good yet!)is from THE FIRESIDE. There is a small fireplace in the middle, no denomination, yellow or mustard, and is the L's mold.
I have no idea where it's from and can't find it in the TCR or the Official US Casino Chip Price Guide.
The Harvey Fuller notes a certain woman with the last name of BOYD. I believe but am not certain that she was/is a member of the BOYD family. Yes?/NO? Please let me know what any of you fellow chippers think of this great find and where is THE FIRESIDE?
Sheldon Smith R-5087