Hello All -- climbing Up on My Soapbox here: Some comments regarding the subject of protecting newcomers from predatory sellers prompted me to give this subject additional thought. Part of JP's criticism (i.e., the implication that we should protect EVERYONE, not just new collectors, from being taken advantage of) is entirely valid. Coming as I do from a military/law enforcement background, I have a very strong personal ethic that people should "take care of their own". Be that family, school, unit, neighborhood or whatever.
Current police practices encourage the use of "neighborhood watches", which is nothing more or less than everyone keeping their eyes and ears open to help prevent neighborhood crime. Application of the idea to the chip collecting "community" is quite simple. All we have to do is keep our eyes and ears open and when we see what looks to be fraud, deceit, outrageous pricing or other negarious practices, speak up. Tell the buyers. Tell the sellers. Tell other collectors. Protect each other, experienced or otherwise.
There are many reputable dealers of casino chips and tokens (not including myself; I am solely a collector/trader). I don't want to name any here, for fear of leaving out someone who deserves to be mentioned and thus, by implication, impugning their integrity. Suffice it to say we should patronize their businesses and encourage new collectors to do the same.
I'm probably speaking to the choir with the further suggestion that we should all share information here, on Chequers' BB, on Casino, in the club newsletter, by email or whatever other means comes to mind (or fingertips). Get others involved, too. Recruit new collectors into the club. Speak up when we think the hobby is being poorly served, be it by dealers, chip manufacturers, casinos, other collectors or whoever. And, speak up favorably for those who serve it well.
Climbing Down from My Soapbox now. Thanks for listening. ----- jim o\-S