John, here's what I can contribute:
The reserved buttons are self described. They are used at the poker table usually for a new player until he first sits down at a game.
No Player--again self described. Denotes that there is no player sitting at the emplty seat and none expected.
Missed Blind--In Hold-em and Omaha (poker) the first and usually the second player to the left of the dealer must post a bet even before he is dealt his hand. If the player is not at the table when it is his turn to "post the blind" or place his bet if he is either in the first or second seat after the dealer, he must do so before he can resume play.
The overs button--At times, the regular player in a game--either in poker or Pai-gau--may want to take a long break. In this case, depending upon the house, someone else may sit in the absent players seat and play his own money. Egro he is playing "over" someone elses chips.
1/2K--in many hold-em and Omaha games, if a player wins either two hands in a row or in some cases a hand of a certain size, then the next round if of play is played for a larger amount. Usually a full kill (which is double the antes) or a half kill (which is half as much as the previous ante. I have never seen a quarter kill, but the same principle applies.
Example: In a regular $4-$8 hold-em game the blinds are $2.00 for the small blind and $4.00 for the big blind. and the first bet is for $4.00. If it were a quarter kill game the first bet would be $5.00, a half kill, the first bet would be $6.00 and a full kill the first bet eould be $8.00. To play the whole thing out, In a full kill game, although the antieswould stay the same, the bets would double.
If you don't know anything about poker, none of this probably makes any sense, but I'm not going to write a book about it.