Jill posted, "We used to post virus alerts all the time on this board ... but they became so common, we just stopped."
Jill; I receive at least a half dozen virus laden emails EACH AND EVERY DAY ... and more on some days! Most of them I don't have to open because either a message from my ISP, or from McAfee. tells me in advance that the email is infected. In fact, many of these infected emails are already deleted by my ISP.... and they advise me that they have been deleted or have not been forwarded to me.
I too have received at least six infected emails from "Al" in the past week alone. None of them contained a message .... just a notification that they were infected and have been deleted before my ISP passed them along to me.
Yes, I have virus-protection with McAfee and I'm very happy with their valuable service. They email updates to me regularly so that the latest viruses are identified and quarantined. I wouldn't be without their service because I depend heavily on my e-mail address book of my new issues subscribers to send my e-newsletters out to each month. No; Al Mancini is not in my address book.