Dell makes good out-of-the-box computers (we have over a dozen in our office), but one of the biggest issues you mentioned is a free AGP slot for a dual-monitor card. Most of the lower-end Dell packages have the video on the motherboard, hence no AGP slot.
There are really only two video cards that have good dual-monitor capabilities on one card. I use Matrox G400 Max on my home computer w/two 19" monitors (used to daytrade as well during the heyday of the Naz). The new Radeon 9700 Pro has dual-monitor capability, but haven't tested it.
My opinion? Since you're short on funds, look for a generic system off of eBay with a G400 card. All you need is the video card, a speedy hard drive (7200 RPM), a P3 or better, and a broadband internet connection. You're only crunching data, and not complex data at that. Any modern processor will suffice. You should be able to find the complete system (less monitor) for under $450.