Gerry Spence, huh?!?!! Great lawyer, yes. Brilliant civil libertarian, hell yeah!! Unbiased arbiter of facts? You and I both know better.
As I’ve heard the story, Weaver’s son opened fire first. But that is not the issue. Let’s boil down to facts that even Mr Spence is unlikely to dispute:
1) Weaver was unhappy with a court decision
2) He made it clear that he would not submit to legitimate government authority
3) He and his family opened fire on government officials who were fully within their rights to be there
Cut me some slack Pete. Let’s say it was a black family in the Bronx known to be in possession of weapons who told authorities that they would not surrender to the police because they were worried their housing project would be given to someone else. Let’s say their pit bull and their son were greeted by DEA in the laundry room, and the son had a gun, and both ended up shot. Let’s say the black guy later refused to surrender his apartment, and kept his woman and kid in the house, and a firefight broke out. Would congress have given a rat’s buttocks?
We live by rule of law in this country. The only reasons Martin Luther King was ever properly sentenced to a day in jail as for defying a court order. If the government is screwing you, call the ACLU and fight back. Don’t grab a bunch of guns, send your son to shoot at cops, and hold your wife and baby as a hostage. Are you saying that if Weaver actually had been subject to home forfeiture, his actions would have been OK?
If he were anything other than a white conservative he would be spending time in jail right now. Randy Weaver is proof of just how racist American justice is.