I've been reading a lot on this board for quite awhile and this is news to me. Even though this may be old news to many, there are a lot of people that I'm sure have no idea about this horde of chips out there. I guess I missed your other postings about this topic.
Can we get specific chip rack numbers on the chips listed on that inventory list or better yet, would you be willing to publish your "inventory list". Does the chip rack denote this type of information for a given chip (i.e., "thousands known to exist in the public..)?
We have that new fantasy chip page on the site... Maybe we need another section for information such as this so that newbies and others "not in the know" will be able to do some research before they make a purchase. This type of information that has been "known for years" needs to be published somewhere so that others can read up on it and be informed!