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The Chip Board Archive 08

Whoever put that chip ...
In Response To: One chip I forgot ()

... into your round robin should be ashamed, Charles.

I strongly urge, if you can determine who did this and cannot privately obtain satisfaction, that you file a claim with Jim Pierre.

----- jim o\-S

Messages In This Thread

Never Again
One chip I forgot
Whoever put that chip ...
Re: One chip I forgot
Re: One chip I forgot
Why I will not name names
Charles was handling this on his own...
Terry, thanks.
Good. Bury it. Post's erased
Re: Why I will not name names
A Better Idea
How about SRRR ? vbg Seriously!
SCAN BOTH SIDES to be Safe !!!
Re: Why I will not name names
Rich, I was in and I DO take exception..
Mike, thanks.
I was in and I DO take exception..
Re: Never Again

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