Norm, apparently Al Mancini doesn't get it. We all know you have the right to protest. But when you protest against the government and show support to Sadam Hussein and Iraq, there is something wrong. Besides, the protest in San Francisco was run by the Working Party of America. This is a Marxist party or Communist party. THEY ARE ANTI-AMERICAN !And if some of the protesters did not know this fact, well shame on them. They all walk in the same line and carrying placards ridiculing the President and Government. They should be sent to Iraq to feel the torture, raping and killing, that is suffered by the Iraqi citizens. Maybe, they'll join the Hollywood left and the Jane Fonda Clubs of America. Norm, we should round up these anti-Americans and let the next wave of Iraqi supported terrorists deal with them when explode,gas,or use biological warfare against the citizens of America.