Chuck Smorse,
It is my opinion that what you did has just set collectors back about three years. Many of us have worked so hard to convince casinos to set resonable limits on what any one person can buy and now you come along and throw all our work out the window.
You can just bet with a no limit policy, any chip issue under 1,000 is going to disappear into two or three dealers inventories overnight.And the collectors will be back holding the empty bag OR paying what ever premium the price gougers decide to set.
This very thing was happening about three or four years ago and we begged and pleaded with casonos all over town to be fair to the collectors by trying to keep a limited edition chip around for a few days so collectors would have a chance to add them to their collections. AND NOW YOU COME BARGING IN and overturn all we have accomplished. I, as a collector, do not appreciate what you have done. (And I hope you convey this message to Ron Ellis).
Janice O'Neal