I certainly understand why some people feel that way.
I do want to explain something about what I said. When I refer to a single set of criteria I am not referring to eligibility as you do in saying: "I like it that the only criteria is that the chip be issued in that year from a casino for gaming purposes." I agree that should be the eligibility requirement (though a strict reading might eliminate many LE's -- which I also might happen to agree with)
I am talking about the criteria used to judge the chips. As it stands now every voter may be using a different set of criteria -- Mine for example is solely based on the design of the chip. But in previous years as voting time has come around I have seen posts where people advocate voting for a chip from a casino because the casino is "chipper friendly". Other people think the chip of the year is the one that was hardest to get or appreciated in value most quickly.
Its not to say that their criteria are any less valid than mine, just that it makes no sense to have one award voted on by many different judges who are all applying different standards. I do not think that the club could ever come to a single criteria and have it applied by the entire membership.