Mike...this is not Mr. Lewin...but I have assisted others in obtaining chip prices. This usually comes about when I email them regarding an item I might bid on during their eBay auction.
More often than not, an eBay seller who comes into some chips but knows nothing about them will be quite vague in their discription. Thus, my email to clarify what they are offering. They sometimes respond and ask if I might assist with other chips they have not yet put up for auction yet. If they ask and only if they ask, I have helped. At times, they also have sent me a chip (unsolicited)for assisting.
Suffice to say, The Chip Rack pays for itself in more ways than one thinks. NOTE: On the advice of a well respected chipper, I always caution the person that the value is merely estimated and can decrease should more of a certain chip surface ALA the Binions debacle. In a nut, they're told the value is ballpark for today...tomorrow may be another story.