for the first time. My observations: If a potential new member were to read the message board before joining... they may have some reservations. If I'd not being reading Greg's board for the past month and read the
board first, I probably would not be collecting today. My suggestion: Handle ALL club grievences through the newsletter, within the board, through a formal grievence process or behind closed doors. There is nothing worse then seeing someone's dirty laundry being aired for all to see in the proposed "benefical" club you are about to join! If my first impression of a peer was on that board, I would have some very low impressions! Is this how you want the club to be perceived? Remember, the method you push the hardest to increase club membership is to have any site related to collecting chips add the
banner. That means that all potential new members have a pretty good chance of reading the message board before becoming a member. I am still dumbfounded that I saw those posts on a
site... this hobby is supposed to be fun, enjoyable and a way to share your collection with your peers. There's even a threat of bodily harm... "Just one little suggestion - don't send your laundry out, you will not be around to claim it!" I don't know what else to say.