Now I am assuming that you have assembled an Excel database wherein it has many rows and columns. Typically, although not a requirement, the columns (the ones that run up and down) have headings like, Casino, Denomination, Location, TCR #, etc. While a row (running from left to right) is a line that describes one chip.
I imagine that you are trying to "sort"your database by one or more of the headings above the columns, and keeping the data to the left and right of each item in it proper placement.
If so, then:
Go to a heading and above the heading title (where the alphabet letters are) click once to select the entire column. Then go to the menu above that and click on Data. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on "sort". You will then get a dialogue box that says something to effect that there is data outside the selection, do you want to include it. The answer is YES.
You will then be given the option to slect which three columns you would like to sort by. Pick the columns you want to sort by and also indicate whether the sort should be from high to low, or low to high. Then select sort and it will be done.
You do not have to select three sort columns, and there is a way to sort by more than three, but one or two is usually enough.
Normally, Casino Name is the first sort criteria (alphabetically, A's before B's) and then by Denomination, low to high.
Once you have done the sort, and as long as you have NOT added any more data, you do not have to SAVE. Excel remembers from session to session what format the database was last left in. If and when you need to change the "SORT" then just repeat the above process, but change the sort criteria. The next sort may be by denominations only, this then allows you to print a listing of all $5, or $1 chips, etc.
As far as Joe's offer for Access....You should understand that he is assuming that you have Excel as a function of having bought MS Office Professional, in which Access is just one of the applications that comes with it. MS Office Standard does not include Access. Also, he is not ofering the application Access, only his template of a layout in Access along with some data plugged into various spots.
If you have Access, then you can convert your xcel data into Access and create your own layout. Or, you can use Joe's layout and plug your Excel data into that layout, HOWEVER, the conversion process requires that his headings are named the same as your headings.
Sorry for the length and detail, I'm just trying to help those who are reading.
I use FileMaker Pro as my database program (very similar in function to Access) and to generate lists I sort in FileMaker and then export the data to Excel. In Excel, I save the file as an HTML document and then up-load that to my web space. The listing is then viewable by anyone with a web-browser and if they wish, they can print it or down-load it into another format.
Good luck,