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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Whoops - WRONG LINK - here it is.

Ballys issued a set of four ncv cars which were available as part of a jackpot on certain machines. The set came in a velvet box. The machines were not the usual strike machines. In 1998, I played them in 25 cent and 50 cent denominations and I believe they were also available in $1.
They are shown in Archie's books, probably in the silver strike section. The value he listed was $150 and will probably be higher in the new edition.

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Ever see this 'silver strike'?
Whoops - WRONG LINK - here it is.
Re: Whoops - WRONG LINK - here it is.
Re: Whoops - WRONG LINK - here it is.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg