>> Professional prejudice is no different than racial prejudice ...
I couldn't disagree more. People can't help their racial heritage. You have to volunteer to become a lawyer. Besides, "prejudice" means ...
... having "an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts" ... and I do have knowledge of the facts regarding lawyers ...
... or "the state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions" ... and my preconceived judgment or convictions regarding lawyers are not unreasonable ...
... or "irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group ...." and there is nothing irrational about my suspicion of lawyers; it is based on considerable personal experience.
>> ... and it is wrong to assume that a group can be maligned
>> just because they may be unpopular in some circles.
Any group of infernal idiots that does as much to earn disparagement as do the lawyers of this country deserves whatever approbation comes their way. Besides, I can malign lawyers anytime I want ...
... cause I are one! ...
... since 1975!
Don't take it personally, Don. I'm sure you're not one of those money-grubbing, self-important, over-bearing, arrogant, ridiculus-lawsuit-filing, obnoxious circle-dots who give our profession a bad name!
After all, inside your lawyer body beats the heart of a chip collector!!
----- jim o\-S