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The Chip Board Archive 08

Some prices!.....


I can't tell you what's going on at ALL the auction sites, but on eBay, here's what I got:

Since the Pindex chips were issued, I have seen 17 completed auctions of the earlybird chip, with an average sale price of $124.87.

During the same time period, there have been 11 completed auctions of the 2001 convention chip with an average sale price of $103.48.

You should not, as at least one other poster has recently done, consider a $160 opening-bid auction that was NOT completed (ie: no bids) to have an effect on the price level of this chip. It's not necessarily a $160 chip because someone starts an auction at that level.

Messages In This Thread

Hard Rock valuation question
Just guessing....
Re: Just guessing....
Re: Just guessing....
Some prices!.....
You've got better numbers than I did

Copyright 2022 David Spragg