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The Chip Board Archive 08

Hard Rock valuation question

I'm wondering about a difference in price that I've seen lately that had me wondering. Recently I've seen the Hard Rock 2001 CC+GTCC convention chip (500 issue) going for a much higher value than the Hard Rock 2002 Pindex Orange Early Bird chip (300 issued). Wouldn't you think that the Pindex chip would go for more? Yet in more than one case I've seen it is the opposite. This isn't just on eBay but on other sites as well. Why the higher value on the higher issue chip? Granted the 2001 chip is a year older but that shouldn't make that much difference. Comments?

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Hard Rock valuation question
Just guessing....
Re: Just guessing....
Re: Just guessing....
Some prices!.....
You've got better numbers than I did

Copyright 2022 David Spragg