As noted in my book Ranchinn burned to the ground in the early 90's & is now a bank.
All Commercial chips I feel are from the 1955 ownership & are the C&J mold. Great chips! I have them all.
I just received a package in the mail. The letter originally sent about these listed chips & tokens together. Many tokens are older so I was very excited to see a Commercial $1 chip listed. Not knowing for sure what the people had I asked them to mail it all to me for an offer & said if you have the dark blue $1 that will be the best item in the group.
It is odd I just got all this in the mail as I was responding about the Commercial! Unfortunetly the chip is teh current white one. Darn! And the Whiskey Petes I was hoping was a first issue is a third & is more worn than any I have seen.