Later issued short canes H&C nearly touch. In doing some comparisons with chips I have up at auction right now I see the older long cane H&C to be in the same position as a C&J. Is my Mint .25 purple a C&J? Chip Rack lists it as 1963 but H&C. (I only have the 7th CR with me). I see the Silver Nugget $1 is not listed as H&C by either of us. I feel there are both C&J & H&C for Nugget. I don't think there are 3 colors though to this chip. Used looks more gray & I think the chip as I list is blue-gray. Is there a name for that color?
I list 3 different $1 Mint building chips. 2 are C&J one is H&C. There could even be another C&J but it was too close for me to list another.
The casino with the most H&C & C&J chip variants had got to be MGM Grand Vegas.
Also collectors must take into account the condition. A worn chip will give a dull hat appearance, I feel.
Great discussion here & glad to see it & all the expert answers as well.