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The Chip Board Archive 08

Calf Club R6 Goes To Ebay

Hee hee thanks to everyone for the help on figureing out what this chip was from an R10 to an R6 because of my find. I have sold a few to the people who emailed me and am now putting one on ebay. If the auction goes well I will put one or two more up. Read the auction discription to know the numbers I have. Again thanks to all the wonderful people on the chip board. Now if anyone knows about that Hilton Chip I posted yesterday please help no one has an exact ID of it yet.

Messages In This Thread

Calf Club R6 Goes To Ebay
Travis and to clear up the california chip find
Re: Calf Club R6 Goes To Ebay
Thanks James!
Re: Thanks James!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg