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The Chip Board Archive 08

Andy, It's NO fantasy! These chips are now...
In Response To: It's Brian's fantasy! rofl ()

Since it appears no casino has put a TransAm on a real casino chip it used to be my fantasy to see one made. Since I could not find one to exist, I took a photo of my car, did the artwork myself, shelled out the $$$ and had Paulson make some for myself. So they are now a REALITY!!!

I had these made for my own enjoyment and to sell some to other TransAm car buffs. The webmaster at liked them so much he put me on his front page and they've been selling like hotcakes.

I personally didn't feel too many people would be interested in them here so I really had not said much about them nor have I posted them up for ebay under the "Casino Chips" category. I had however been posting them up on ebay under the automotive collectibles section from time to time.

Messages In This Thread

My Chip of the day...
Not sure if this is the first fantasy chip to...
Re: Not sure if this is the first fantasy chip to.
It's Brian's fantasy! rofl
Andy, It's NO fantasy! These chips are now...
and this photo proves I'm a true GEEK...
Re: Not sure if this is the first fantasy chip to.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg