The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 08

$2.50 pads

Hello Russell,

Since this such a new project and there is such a vast amount of interesting designs from casinos around world, from all eras, we had to focus on just one area of chip design - early Vegas.

The ChipPad series will constantly evolve and expand and may include a $2.50 at some point. For now though, my primarily focus is $100's and $5's with plans to include some $25's.

Thanks, Pete

Messages In This Thread

More ChipPads For Club Members
The Sands
Great items
The Thunderbird
The Silver Slipper
The Dunes
excellent !!!
Great idea! I'll pick one up at the Trop!
Re: They're great for....
Any $2.50 pads expected in the future??
$2.50 pads

Copyright 2022 David Spragg