Also, the Club's BBS is a valid location for trade offers, but not for messages of "for sale" or the posting of web-sites that are selling stuff.
Every once and a while you will need to pay homage to the resident troll, err....web-master. Oops, excuse me, thats Mr. Web-Master!
Anyway, this site is made available to all of us by Greg Susong, who was recently inducted into the Club's Hall of Fame. His commercial site is over on Be sure to vist there. (He can tell when your IP address has visited there, so don't blow this off.)
Very important message here.... Smily faces means its a joke, or said tongue-in-cheek, or just fooling around, or words to that effect. So always look for smilies.
Rather long winded, but yes, post your trade offers here. And scans are worth ten-thousand words.
Again, welcome to the Club,
Jim Follis
On-Line Communications Director