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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Anyone know a better place than Ebay.....

What's a decent price? That might help for some people here who do have larger quantities stored away.

In other words, how much do you want to pay per chip?

You can order them brand new from TR King and other places, with monogram HS for well under $1 a chip. Mermaid mold from Chipco is not expensive. New casino chips, from someone like Paulson, will cost close to $1 each to buy a set.

Were you looking for Bud Jones, metal centers or the injection molded with eight suits? Someone had the metal centers from Puerto Rico at a very reasonable price, last week.

Messages In This Thread

Anyone know a better place than Ebay.....
Re: Anyone know a better place than Ebay.....
Re: Anyone know a better place than Ebay.....
Tom, here is a search marker.....
Re: Tom, here is a search marker.....
Re: Tom, here is a search marker.....
Re: Paul-Son Retail Store..

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