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The Chip Board Archive 08
Ok Mike!! We want to know what happened!!
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What would you do? Opinions wanted
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What would you do? Opinions wanted
I'd give her half
I wonder what the dealer's toke was....
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: Split it....
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: Easy One
Re: Easy One Part II
...but try this on for size:
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Free/Found Money
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
My Humble Opinion
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
I think that Pete has.............
Second option....
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
At first blush, I am inclined......
That was the key word; "we" ...
Follis. . .
Mike, unfortunately, that was the correct action.
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Greg, I suspect that that is why you own the Sonic
I am a generous guy . . .
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
On a lesser scale (but oddly similar)....
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Give it all
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
Re: What would you do? Opinions wanted
send half to Kruse
Similar incident happened to me!
Ok Mike!! We want to know what happened!!
$72 based on general practice
I'd give her $100
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