This should work with IE users.
Close all Internet windows.
Use either the big or little E to start IE. You will probably get a screen sized window.
Right click on a link to open a new window. This one will most like by a smaller window.
I had this problem for a long time because I right click on a open in new window all the time.
Solution. From that smaller window. Use the cursor to drag the window to make it screen size. The cursur has to turn in to the up down arrow, right left arrow, or diagonal arrow. Simple done by putting the arrow right at the edge of the window.
When you have the second window at screensize go back to the first window and close it. This can be done by minimizing the second window. Then maximize the second window and close that.
From then on you should be ok.
Unless you resize your screen.
Just follow that steps again and you will be in business.
Rick G.