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The Chip Board Archive 08

Baytown and the rest of Texas (NCR)

Baytown, hey, there's a drag strip there! Been there about a half dozen times.

There's a very small seafood restaurant in Baytown, I think it's called Baytown Seafood (only been there once and I wasn't driving.) It is an old 60's style diner (a real one, not a retro-built place like Gunther T's), staffed with cute latino teenaged waitresses, and they serve some of the best seafood I've ever had! They don't serve alcohol, but if you want a beer with your meal, there's a liquor store next door. You can buy a six-pack at the liquor store and bring it into the restaurant to drink with dinner!

Texas has many, many different liquor laws, all of them depending what county you are in. I was staying in Desoto this year. ..asked someone at a convenience store to point me to the closest liquor store. He asked me if I was headed for Waco or Dallas. Huh? I was staying at the hotel next door and just wanted to buy a six-pack. Well then, I needed to take I-35 to Industrial Rd, about 15 miles north. First time I've ever seen a liquor store with multiple armed guards inside the store. They do so much cash business on the Dallas county line, they need the protection!

I know a lot of Texans still consider the state to be a nation in and of its own, but why does each county still act like a separate state?!?

Bob grin

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You're being watched! . . . . .
Re: You're being watched! . . . . .
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Hey! My name is on there... grin
Re: Refinery Control Room???
Ahhhh, the memories....
Baytown is "just down the road"
Baytown and the rest of Texas (NCR)
Funny You should mention alcohol...
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