My congratulations to those "Chippers" who have been honored by the sponsor of next week's show in Las Vegas.
For the information of our newest members there are two "pioneers" of the Club and chip collecting who have been slighted (old members don't need to be reminded who they are). They are: Charter Member Janice O'Neal who served as the Club's first Vice President and Historian and Charter Member Michael Knapp who served as the Club's first Secretary and Membership Officer, both serving in those capacities in excess of TEN years. In addition, Michael Knapp is co-author of probably the best Nevada chip collecting reference book in the WORLD!
Janice's and Michael's service to the Club and its members should never be forgotten or slighted. Their impact on the casino collecting community is immeasurable and we all should never forget what they have helped accomplish for that community. They should not be "second fiddle" to anyone!
This is a non-paid, non-political announcement from the heart of one who has immense respect for those two great people. Chuck Tomarchio