Andy- God I hate to get into this "who responds last" bullpoop. That's pretty much my fault.
To try to keep it to a minimum, what I meant when I said it was dead because you called it dead was a response to you saying "I hope it stays dead."
I will await Jim's reply to my most basic complaint -- anti-slabbers act liek the f**king Mafia in this club! I am anti-slab. I just happen to respect free spech. If Ralph Nader is welcome at the Democratic convntion, I think slabbers shouls be welcome at a CCGTCC convention. I like opposition. It makes me feel superior to prove them wrong.
Too bad you and I are the only one's awake now, so we're responding to each other. I would love to buy you a drink after Friday's Kid Rock. I assume Nobu isn't open, so I suggest Pink Taco. Got the time?
See ya Friday.