There have been many chips from one place turn up in another. The King 8 Aurba chips was also used on the Seaescape, Casino Miami used the Argosey gold stamped canceled chips for $5 and $25 on live table at the same time you could buy them at Paul-son for 60 cents a piece. I know that the Regency Cruise chips were live at one time on a FL boat as I had to pay face + for my $25, $5, and $1 chips. I also bought a set for $15 on EBAY including upto the $500. What do I think they are worth? who knows as I will not tell someone what to sell a chip for, but as I am one that has been in this hobby longer than most (25 years) when people find out that they paid, let say $20, for three chips that someone else is selling them for $5 that perosn selling the chips will start to lose clients.
Mark Lighterman
CC>CC #6 (yes member # six)