I finally got a response from the seller of the "Ladies of Las Vegas" fantasy chips. This dealer was representing these chips as "One of a Kind" set of chips that were manufactured for the 2002 Adult Expo Convention in Vegas.
see the auction:
I had emailed the seller informing him that these were inded NOT a "one of a Kind set" and that I was aware that they were sold by Gamblers General Store and they had thousands. I asked him to correct his listing and also to inform the buyer that had already bid on the chips that they were not a one of a kind set.
Here is his response:
There are only a few dozen of these left as of Friday, the last day I was
at GGS. There are certainly not thousands. I was also informed by the manager,
whom I have known for several years, that these chips are no longer being made.
That's good enough for me, and should be good enough for you also.
Mike D Fabbio101@hotmail.com
tel. 702-866-6649