First of I'm a guy and not a Women.
Then if anybody has a problem with any of my prices or Items just ask.
OK for the person who says I never respond too my emails, he is wrong because i answer everyone of them. I have sold over 200 chips over ebay and never a complaint.
The Person who said I sell the James Bond Chips, Panama chips, and Regency Cruises chips on ebay was partially wrong.
Never Ever sold any Panama Chips. The Regency Cruises chips I sell are not the once you can buy at Paul & Son but one actually used on a smaller Cruise Ship in Florida. Just ask Bill Aikman from Gaming Times where i got them from.
Ok then the James bond chips I offer i make it clear that they are Fantasy Chips. Just go to my Web page and there is a paragraph explaining what Fantasy Chips are. I sell 90% of the chips too James Bond Collectors which loves them.
Never had a unhappy cutomer on these and If i did , I would refund the Money.
So again these are ment for Bond Collectors.
Next Thing If you check out my Web Site you will see I have many cheap prices. Just look at my Sahara Set at $75 for 6 chips. Most Dealers charge $75 for just the $500 chip. Never seen it cheaper on the net.
Some people were saying that I'm hurting the business with offering these. That is very wrong. I think there is no dealer that sells more chips too europa than myself. Sold alone about 100 Rolling Stones chips too the United Kingdom. I be the first chip web page that will be also availabel in Complete and English and German. I spend a lot of time and money too market Casino Chip Colleting too Europa. Its not too hard for me since i'm from germany but now living in vegas.
So actually I'm promoting the business a lot. My hard Rock chips might be priced a little high, but i do sell them. And most HRC chips i sell go too people that collect the HRC pins and I tell them about our hobby of chip collecting. Again I'm promoting this business. And I think I'm the only Web Page that has everyone of the HRC chips listed and availabel for sale.
I would just wish that if someone has a problem, just go ahead and ask me and i would be more than happy too hear your side. And people just could quit whinning about other people and spend their time in promoting the hobby instead of complaining. I been collecting chips for a while and i see there are few people out here who just want too whine. I'm willing to work with anybody, and if you wanna exchange links just ask.
That is all that I'm gonna say about this Subject. I hope we all can quit whinning now and go back to collecting and promoting chips and the hobbie. If it makes someone happy to have chips seen in a bond movie. Why not. And there is nothing wrong with making a profit.
If you get a chance take a look at my Web Site.
Best Regards
Rene Nezhoda