Well, after numerous (NICE) emails lately, I have been discussing with a quite a few people what they would like to see changed for the better of the hobby. My decisions were based on dozens of responses from questionaire emails that I sent out and in no way were influenced by the few idiots that still have nothing better to do than whine and complain about everything!! I will be doing some changes starting with my auctions that begin on October 20th since the ones going are too late to change.
1.) For the betterment of new chippers who do not know better, I will no longer use scarce or rare as ways of getting people to look at most of my auctions. There will be a few, like the few Tahoe Village roulettes I aquired that will be labeled very rare because they are.
2.)I do often use the same photo of chips I have many of, and will not change this( as has always been my policy) unless the quality is much inferior. I usually send out a chip that is even better than the picture, and if there is a complaint I replace it for them.
3.) As for the insurance issue, there is no issue at my end. There has been a huge issue over this by 2 people over the last few years because I wouldn't replace their chips they said they never received. They have called me a liar and a cheat, for all I know THEY are the liar and cheat and really did get it. I am a business and don't spend my money insuring packages that it wasn't purchased on. I know this is a highly debated issue which seems to be split between the buyers and sellers. And just for the record for the biggest whiner in this issue, you purchased a $200 chip and did not buy insurance. I even offered to split the difference and pay up $100 but it wasn't accepted, and I find it very amusing that as of just last week you posted it was now up to a $600 loss. And by the way, if you are so big on continually saying maybe "Vito" should pay me a visit here in Las Vegas, my address is on every one of my auctions and is well known, so why don't you get off your own butt and pay me a visit yourself, or just shut your mouth and quit playing hotshot from behind a keyboard.
4.) Known pieces--I am also very tired of hearing about how there are other chips of something I said there was only 3 of that "I" found, ect. I can only go by what is known at the time I find something. There was another huge issue made of this for years because another chip showed up like the ones I sold. I DO NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER EVERY CHIP IN THE WORLD, contrary to popular belief. I know it is frustrating to see a chip you paid a lot for show up in small or large quantities, it has happened to myself a couple times. I try to keep people like James informed of known numbers for his books so we all benefit from it. I know a few years back I made a mistake with a few of the Thunderbird chips that were found, even though I really did think he had just the box at the time of the shoe, since that was all I saw.
5.) Member of Casino chip club: Before being a dealer my father and I collected for years not even knowing of the club. I am originally from Las Vegas and always did my collecting first hand. Unfortunately, there are a couple of people I would rather not even be in the same room with that would be at club meetings that I would attend, so I never bothered. I was never "afraid" of being a member because I would get kicked out for some code of ethics. It is just that even though hundreds of my buyers and friends are member, so are the few jerks I can't stand, and they ruin any fun that could come from being a member.
CONCLUSION: At any rate, I have had thousands of satisfied customers, most of them repeat buyers, and a lot of them good friends now. It is for them that I will "mend" some of my auctions ways for the betterment of the hobby they love so much. I don't care about the few who will continue to bash me, in some ways I owe you idiots a lot of thanks. You guys brought a lot of attention to my auctions I couldn't of even purchased by advertising, and once they saw the feedback and quantity of dealings they bought for themselves. I have gotten countless emails from people who had to see what all the "Evil" was about that turned out to be great repeat buyers. I would also like to take a quick chance to thank all of you that have always supported me. It was always unnecessary, although very nice, but everytime I got bashed here on the board, tons of emails of support would come in. Most of them were to afraid to post it here because they were afraid of being crucified by the few that ruin this great tool known as the Chipboard. I know I will always get the shaft for making even honest mistakes like the 2 auctions from a few weeks ago. Even after pulling one and changing the other, I still got crap. It is all just fine though. Many of you know me personally and know that I think it is very funny that those idiots waste their energy and time complaining. I have tried to pass on useful information like the Home Insurance on chips, and will try to continue when appropriate. I know this post will please both those who truly care about this hobby, and those who are tired of the bickering and whining as well. I will, by popular request, give the other side of the story from now on and not sit back quietly. For quite some time now, all people can say bad about me is "look at the archives", well, come up with something new from now on. I have made too many good friends now to disappoint them, and will not avoid discussions, meetings or events just becuase I don't care for few people or did wrong in the past.
BEST REGARDS, DEAN (vegasclarks)