Greg, I dug into the ancient Club records and found some of the cancelled checks and check register (no year in any of the dates in the register) for what I believe are the years '90,'91, and '92. I found a check register entry labeled "Atlantic Standard Molding (Club Chips)" dated August 17th and a corresponding check dated 8-17-92. That date would correspond with the time of the A.N.A. Convention in early August.
Bruce Landau was the Treasurer then but the handwriting in the check register is Archie's. I believe Archie is the person who contracted for those chips. FYI, tracing back in the check register I found another "Atlantic Standard Molding (Club Chips)" entry dated June 29th which I believe is 1990. However, I cannot attribute that entry to an A.N.A., Club, or F.U.N. event. Maybe Archie will remember those transactions. Chuck Tomarchio