Are you thinking about collecting slot cards and room keys but haven't quite decided? Need some EXCITEMENT in your life???? Well here is an offer that even Paul Sax will find hard to turn down....For a SHORT TIME join PACK for a year and the Slot Card and room key Chapter for one year and recieve 20 slot cards and/or casino room keys FREE with membership. This is an effort by Pat Lamb and Jim Munding to build the interest in the hobby and get new members....send $15 total for both clubs (includes the PACK newsletter that is known and cherished worldwide) and your cards/keys and memberships cards will be mailed to you...I need your name, address, Email address, phone number and your check for $10.00 made out to PACK and a $5.00 check made out to CC&CTCC Slot Card Chapter sent to Jim Munding, P.O. Box 4087, West Covina, CA 91791.....thanks....time to add some excitement to the hobby