I got a different on with a 132K attachment. There was nothing in the body, so I knew not to open it. It would have been picked up by my virus scan anyway, but i dont take chances.
We all know that viruses attach to address books and send themselves out to the people listed there. They dont originate from the sender listed as the person it is coming from.
I notified Greg last week of my email with his name on it so he has a heads up.
Remember...EVERYONE needs to have a virus scan program loaded, on and working. No attachment should ever be downloaded without being scaned. This wont make you secure, but it will sure help.
ALSO, everyone should have a BACKUP of any important programs and files. Even if just for the security of having them for when your hard drive goes down (before youre hit with a virus). If you dont think its going to happen to you sooner or later then you're just a plain bad gambler. Thats a gamble i would never ever want to take.
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