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The Chip Board Archive 07

In Response To: Beutiful ()

Thanks, Michael....

As you can see, both scans were taken by Carlos.

A couple weeks ago there was a short thread about chips from Portugal... at which time I asked Carlos about two antique 10E chips I had from Estoril. It so turned out that Carlos did not have either of the chips, so I sent him a colour xerox for the catalog he is working on.

When Carlos received the xerox he e-mailed me asking if we can do a trade for both pieces...

Anyway, he whipped this baby out; e-mailed me the scan... and I ran 6-miles to the Loxahatchee post office in 98� to mail him the two chips he wanted.

I don't think either one of us can put a value on the joy we both shared with the balanced trade.

I received Carlos' packet today when I went to the post office. I ripped it open with my teeth in the parking lot looking like some half raved lunatic to passers-by, and held it up to the the noon sun for about 20-mimutes savoring every bit of refraction the piece could offer.

The piece measures a full 50mm (approx. 2-inches).


Messages In This Thread

A nice pearl ...
And his son
I shud lern to spel vbg
Re: Thanks....
Re: Thanks....
...and thank you, too, Carlos ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg